Over 900 individuals and rights groups renew their call for Douma's immediate release.
Commercial airlines should act in accordance with relevant duties under international and humanitarian law.
(December 6, 2022, Washington D.C.): The district court today ruled to dismiss the lawsuit pending against Mohamed bin Salman and...
Judge Awadh al-Ahmari has been implicated in the detention, torture, and extraction of forced confessions of peaceful human rights activists...
Israeli Unit Responsible for Widespread Human Rights Abuses Against Palestinian Civilians, Killing of Palestinian-American Omar Assad
The 97th Netzah Yehuda Battalion (גדוד נצח יהודה), previously known as Nahal Haredi, is a battalion in the Kfir Brigade...
Open Letter to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court: Civil Society Organisations Call on Prosecutor to Investigate and Deter...
Open Letter to the President of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute: Palestinian Organisations Call on President,...
Jordan’s Minister of Education immediately should comply with the June 26, 2022 final Court decision to reopen the shuttered Teacher’s...
Decision to Grant Immunity Undermines Only Action for Accountability for Murder of Jamal Khashoggi