DAWN’s experts are the driving force behind the organization’s mission and vision. Our experts complement our research work and bolster our advocacy efforts.

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We are a dedicated group of analysts, researchers, lawyers, and activists who aim to fulfill Jamal Kashoggi's vision of helping to promote democracy and human rights in the Middle East and North Africa.


Charles Blaha

Mr. Blaha is currently a Senior Advisor for DAWN. He retired from the State Department in 2023 after a 32-year career. Before retiring, From from 2016 until 2023, he was Director of the Office of Security and Human Rights in the State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.

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Natalie A Billingsley

Natalie holds a degree in Middle Eastern Studies from American Public University and is currently enrolled in the University of Arizona's Master's Program, studying human rights and documentary media. 

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Laurie Heller

Heller is a marketing consultant at DAWN. Her academic focus centers on understanding systems of oppression and how they disproportionately affect women and children. 

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Alejandra Uchitelle

Ale Uchitelle is a legal intern at DAWN. A law student at Saint Louis University, she is a founding member of SLU's National Lawyers Guild student chapter.

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Andy Shallal

Anas "Andy" Shallal is an artist, social entrepreneur, and the founder and CEO of Busboys and Poets, a group of restaurants in the Washington Metropolitan area where art, culture, and politics intentionally collide.

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Sahar Aziz

Sahar Aziz is Professor of Law, Chancellor's Social Justice Scholar, and the Middle East and Legal Studies Scholar at Rutgers University Law School.

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Mongi Dhaouadi

Mongi Dhaouadi was born and raised in Tunisia and moved to the US when he was 19 years old to study Electrical Engineering.

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Michele Alexander

Michele Alexander is a long-standing nonprofit executive with more than 25 years of executive management experience.

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Reed Brody

Reed Brody is an American lawyer with decades of experience in international litigation and advocacy.

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Tawakkol Karman

Tawakkol Karman was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011 in recognition for her non-violent struggle for democracy and her advocacy for women's rights in Yemen.

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Nihad Awad

Nihad Awad is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

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"Democracy remains the most effective way to tackle terror, stop bloodshed and political violence in Arab countries."

- JAMAL KHASHOGGI, Al-Arabiya, June 12, 2016

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We’re fighting for a ceasefire and accountability for Israeli and U.S. officials responsible for war crimes in Gaza.