The militarily-enforced and now indefinite suspension of parliament, dismissal of the Head of Government Hichem Mechichi, and subsequent arrests and...
Despite Worsening Human Rights Record, Biden Administration Contemplates Lifting Block on $300 Million in Military Aid Conditioned on Reforms عربي(Washington...
Human rights organizations, advocacy groups and think tanks should review impact of calls for aid conditionality, lawfulness of U.S. military...
Additional New Staff, Including Program Director and Gulf Researcher, will help Ensure the Excellence of DAWN’s Research
Nine years after his unjust detention, father of three disabled sons and his family have endured enough suffering. The U.S....
Saudi authorities should disclose the whereabouts of, and either charge or release, Prince Salman Al Saud, 38, known as Ghazalan,...
“A close examination of the facts makes clear that this case had nothing to do with actual crimes and everything...
U.S. Senators and members of Congress scheduled to meet with a delegation from the Egyptian government should question the group,...
DAWN mourns the untimely death of Alaa al-Sidiq (33 years old), the Executive Director of our partner organization ALQST, a...
Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) unmasked today the role of 28 Egyptian and Saudi officials responsible for arbitrary...