In Nagorno-Karabakh, life for the past two months, under a blockade imposed by Azerbaijan, has recalled memories of the collapse...
Syrians are dying not only because of a natural disaster but also because of the unnatural indifference of an ill-named...
In Yemen, war's costs have too often landed on civilians who bear no responsibility for the war nor for the...
Alaa Abdel Fattah’s vision of a very different Egypt, along with that of millions of young Egyptians, has itself been...
Turkey’s defense and intelligence ministers met with their Syrian counterparts in Moscow late last month, in the first high-level meeting...
Israel’s Supreme Court is a stronghold of justice for Jews only. It does not champion universal human rights, but the...
Egypt under Sisi's regime is proof that you can't achieve the material benefits of a modern, civic state using the...
Scholar Natasha Roth-Rowland discusses the history, ideological vision and recent rise of Kahanism in Israeli politics—and the threat posed by...
Sudanese protesters at a rally in Khartoum against military rule on the anniversary of previous popular uprisings in Sudan, April...
In an interview with Democracy in Exile, Kenneth Roth discusses donor-driven censorship at Harvard, his nearly three decades at the...