American administrations have regularly endorsed the two-state solution, while also insisting there must be no consequences for Israeli actions that...
Iran’s parliament is pursuing two pieces of legislation that boil down to a government fiat that Iranians shouldn’t have public...
Aspirations for democratic change in Bahrain have not been completely crushed despite more than a decade of brutal rule since...
A year ago, Kuwait’s Constitutional Court overturned an anti-transgender law that criminalized “imitating the opposite sex.” But it was not...
Why is the underlying goal propelling the far-right overhaul of Israel’s entire system of governance—unilaterally annexing the occupied territories—so absent...
In Nagorno-Karabakh, life for the past two months, under a blockade imposed by Azerbaijan, has recalled memories of the collapse...
Syrians are dying not only because of a natural disaster but also because of the unnatural indifference of an ill-named...
In Yemen, war's costs have too often landed on civilians who bear no responsibility for the war nor for the...
Alaa Abdel Fattah’s vision of a very different Egypt, along with that of millions of young Egyptians, has itself been...
Turkey’s defense and intelligence ministers met with their Syrian counterparts in Moscow late last month, in the first high-level meeting...