(Washington D.C., February 12, 2025) — Egyptian authorities should immediately release Mohamed Ahmed Hasan Thabet, a 73-year old Egyptian businessman,...
Read moreDetails(Washington, D.C., January 27, 2025) – In response to the sentencing today by the Federal Court of the Southern District...
(Washington, D.C., August 14, 2024): In the wake of the July 2024 conviction of Senator Robert Menendez for accepting bribes...
In response to the jury verdict conviction of Senator Menedez in New York federal court for various crimes, including accepting...
Judge Hassan Faird El-Shami, head of Circuit No. 5 of the Cairo Criminal Court, is implicated in the abuse of...
Read moreDetailsJudge Shabeeb al-Damarany currently sits on the Cairo Criminal Court. He served as Judge and Chair of the Third Terrorism...
Major General Tarek Marzouk is the Assistant Minister of Interior for Prisons, commonly referred to as the Head of Prisons...
Prosecutor Yehia Omar Marwan. عربيProsecutor Yehia Omar Marwan participated in the Egyptian authorities' crushing of independent voices by throwing peaceful...
(Washington D.C., February 12, 2025) — Egyptian authorities should immediately release Mohamed Ahmed Hasan Thabet, a 73-year old Egyptian businessman,...
Read moreDetailsThe Egyptian government has targeted independent business owners, subjecting them to arbitrary prosecution under the guise of combating terrorism, but...
Hassiba Mahsoub is a 55 year old engineer and businesswoman and the sister of Mohamed Mahsoub, formerly the Vice President...
Anas Mohamed El-Beltagy was a 19-year-old student at Ain Shams University preparing to take his semester exams when security forces...
If you wish to share further information on the cases documented here, or about other important cases in Egypt, please contact egyptinfo@dawnmena.org. We will preserve the confidentiality of our sources.
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